May 23, 2011

[台湾] 第五天:清境柏克莱景观民宿 > 小瑞士花园 > 水蜜桃园 > 台北(士林夜市)

In the morning, we went to 台中火车站 by taxi. He directly fetched us from 清境柏克莱景观民宿 to 台中火车站. The taxi fare was NT$200 per person. On the way to 台中火车站, we stopped at 小瑞士花园 and 樱子园.
We reached 小瑞士花园 at about 9.30 am. Unfortunately, it was raining day and we unable to enter the flower farm. Photos below showed 小瑞士花园 that we captured but not in flower farm.

 Dutch Windmill


 “Kawaii" Bee

 Guide about "How to differentiate pure honey and not pure honey" board.

 Busy making their own "creative card"

Front view of  纸箱故事六号馆

Product of 纸箱故事六号馆
 Took photos inside of 纸箱故事六号馆

 Took photos outside of 纸箱故事六号馆
On the way to 水蜜桃园, we stopped at one of the station where you can see a paranomic view.

 Mountains at 清境农场

Combination of mountains, lake and cloud.

After that, we went to 水蜜桃园 where you can pluck peach as much as you want. But remember, you need to buy the peach that you pluck. Don't pluck so much ya...haha... Photos below showed the peach tree.

At about 11.30 am, we headed to 台中火车站. We reached at 1.00 pm. After that, we took 1.33 pm 自强号 railway train from Taichong Train Station (台中火車站) to Taipei Train Station (台北火車站) and arrived at 3.50 pm. Train ticket cost us NT$375 per person. We checked in at fatima qhome. It’s nice and cost us NT$1600 per night for 4 persons. We booked for 3 nights. It's located beside bai-lin bridge and  shih-lin district. The homestay is near shih-lin night market and Jian-tan MRT station. It’s easier to just take the bus to Jian-tan MRT(NT$15) about 5 minutes.

Bus No. where you can take near fatima qhome building:
246= 台北車站(台灣故事館)西門町 大同大學(婚紗大街),
9 =  捷運西門站龍山寺(艋舺,華西街夜市) 台北地下街,
15=天母站(sogo百貨,天母二手市集)捷運士林站, 陽明醫院(誠品書局,大葉高島屋,華納威秀,新光三越)
508= 捷運芝山站(sogo百貨)磺溪,陽明山溫泉
669= 光華商場, 微風廣場, 京華城, 市政府(room18夜店), 世貿館,101大樓,  市民敦化(luxy夜店), 市民延吉街(忠孝東路), 市民光復(國父紀念館),
811= 迪化街(年貨大街),捷運民權西路(機場巴士),
255= 故宮博物院, 士林官邸, 國道客運台北總站(機場巴士), 圓環,後火車站,

Ticket price (台中火车站  to 台北火车站)

 Long queue to buy 豪大大鸡排

The food we ate in Shilin Night Market: 1.) 蚵仔煎 2.)..... 3.) 阿宗面线  4.) 豪大大鸡排 5.) 香肠  6.) ..... 7.) 火车便当(This one not in Shilin Night Market) 8.) ....

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